Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jason bro and the PR family.

2 weeks ago it was our Jason bro's b'day and we headed to Neway for some Karaoke since they had a break for exams...i feel so pity for them and no, i don't wanna go back to studies, i think!

Sing it to me babeh!

Spot me!

Girls just abuse themselves for the sake of beauty.

Thumbs up.

Black Queen for the girls!

I seriously don't like strangers taking group photos
for us because this is how its gonna be-BLUR...

See? Sigh....

We moved on to Pavillion for dinner
and just can't stop snapping.

Dinner at FRIDAY'S on a Saturday.

Ambassador of the nite.


We got our bro a free b'day yummylicious cake!

Too many photos to be posted up. Let's skip here.

Big sis came over to KL for a short trip and here goes the PRs metting.

Why am i born to be me???Sigh...

Say hello to my pet again!!!

Ok, that's all for now.

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